Yao Yunfan: Human Magnetic Fields and Phobia of Electric

2023.04.08 Saturday 19:00


2F, The Cloister Apartments, 62 West Fuxing Road, Shanghai

Speaker: Yao Yunfan

The electromagnetic medium has re-emerged as the poles of contemporary political tentacles. To apply Carl Schmitt's expression, the two contemporary techniques of governance that distribute order (Ordnung) and location (Ort) are no longer metaphorically referred to as ocean and earth, but are materialised as "star chains" and “Huawei ", and the phobia of electric and embrace of electromagnetism becomes a sort of technological touchstone for understanding the modern world. In this talk, we would like to discuss Ke Yunlu, Liu Cixin and Under One Person--to explore the reversal of the electromagnetic medium in contemporary China and the various facets of the myth of governance of 'modernity' in contemporary society--in the light of Darnton's study of The Death of Marat and Jeffery Sconce's study of the phobia of of electromagnetism.

About the Speaker

Yao Yunfan, Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, East China Normal University, author of Homo Sacer and Divine Economy: Studies on Giorgio Agamben's Political Philosophy. His main research interests focus on the history of Western political thought, contemporary Western literary and cultural studies.

About the Vortex

Vortex is a long-term project. We will update the content of performance lectures by artists and talks by experts both on- and offline. Following the fundamental approach of connecting local practice, theories, and context, we hope that this nonstandard art venue will become a place of torrents, flux, and confluence.

MACA Art Center is a non-profit art institution located in the 798 Art District of Beijing and officially inaugurated its space on January 15, 2022. Occupying a two-story building with a total area of 900 square meters, MACA unites artists, curators, and other art and cultural practitioners from around the world. Through its diverse, ongoing, and collaborative approaches, the Center establishes a new site on the contemporary art scene. Guided by the “work of artists” and backed by interdisciplinary research, the Center aims to bring together a community passionate about art and devoted to the “contemporary” moment so as to respond proactively to our rapidly evolving times.